About Me & My Testimony:
About my academic background
My Name is Carey Hsie. I was born in Hong Kong, am now a full-time mom, and a Gospel Multimedia Designer. I graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University with first class honours in Digital Graphic Communication, with a minor in Information Technology, in 2008. During my studies, I had a chance to study as an exchange student in Edith Cowan University, Australia. Beside arts and design, I have also studied computer science for one year.
Employed by 4A Ads Agency
I launched the first voice-controlled website at my graduation show in 2008, and won the nation-wide Olympic Photo Competition in the same year, were widely reported on the newspapers in Hong Kong. I gained a Designer job in one of the 4As advertising agencies.
Failure in working environment
Due to my inability in adapting to the new work environment and being novice to everything in the company, I received many criticisms from my colleagues and unfortunately I was fired after few months. After this bad experience and believing the rumour from the Internet that 2012 will be the doom year, I started to hear criticising voices everywhere and felt upset for a long time. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed to have schizophrenia and because of this mental illness I started to turn back to Jesus in 2010. Thankfully, I have recovered now and I give praise to my Lord who has healed me. Now I am not afraid of death and I believe in the Bible sayings that we have eternal life and abundant life in Christ.
His healing gives me an abundant life
After His healing, I made up my mind to believe in Jesus in 2010, and was baptised in 2011. In 2011, I also established Rainbow Cross, which is a Christian organisation to spread the love and grace of God through Multimedia and my artworks. From 2011 till now, I have contributed all of myself to God. I have designed a lot of gospel mobile apps, gospel handicrafts, gospel calendar apps and publications etc. I hope all of my work can benefit more people by letting them know God, know His love and grace, and spread the gospel to everyone. Now, I am also working for God through my gospel drawings and my Facebook page, which benefits more than 20,000 subscribers every day. ​
Thanks God for giving me an abundant life. I hope to follow Him in my whole life, and be light and salt of the world.
Luke 19:10 For the Son of man came to make search for those who are wandering from the way, and to be their Saviour.(Thanks God for having searched for me.)
(Wrote on 17 Feb 2020)